Have something nice to say about steve? 

Let him know! 

Email badchannelsrecords@gmail.com

Reveiws for Forbidden Traps

"Primitive, garage punk with basic riffs, harsh vocals, and pounding freneticism... Blessed with one of the vilest guitar sounds I’ve ever heard... Clanging, foundry production and white noise aspects are a breath of fresh air in an age of wiped-clean recordings. In between the thumping garage punk, there are mood changes and unsettling atmospheres to hold the interest of those into the lower budget end of DIY bedroom punk."--Personal Punk 

"A shambolic, wild sound. The sound of a punk band knocking over a dish rack."—Maximum Rocknroll

Radio play

June 11, 2024 - steve carface - "Too Soon to Say" ranked #10 on Radio Marlab (Skive, Denmark)
June 9, 2024 - steve carface - "Void" ranked #4 on Radio Marlab (Skive, Denmark)
June 8, 2024 - steve carface - "Other People" on PunkrPrincess Whatever Show (whatever68.com)
June 8, 2024 - steve carface - "Too Soon to Say"  ranked #4 on Radio Marlab (Skive, Denmark)
June 2, 2024 - steve carface - "Void" ranked #9 on Radio Marlab (Skive, Denmark)
May 31, 2024 - steve carface - "Too Soon to Say" ranked #10 on Radio Marlab (Skive, Denmark)
May 28, 2024 - steve carface - "Void" on Policymaker Radio Hour #9  92.1FM WOMR (Provincetown, MA) / 91.3FM WFMR (Orleans, MA) / Mixcloud
May 21, 2024 - steve carface - "Wall" ranked #8 on Radio Marlab (Skive, Denmark)
May 19, 2024 - steve carface - "Denim Fetish" on Punks Not Dead episode 197 (Forest of Dean, England)
May 13, 2024 - steve carface - "Too Soon to Say" ranked #4 on Radio Marlab (Skive, Denmark)
May 28, 2024 - steve carface - "Void" on WCSB 89.3 (Cleveland, OH)
March 27, 2024 - steve carface- "Too Soon to Say" on Half 'n Hour Boots (Radio Bandito, Italy)

steve carface took over the Italian air waves! 

Live on Half 'n Hour Boots on RadioBandito, March 27, 2024. 

steve ranked on Radio Marlab!